2024 quizzes.

Have a go at our fun quiz!

Christmas Quiz 2024 - Quiz 3

Christmas Quiz 2024 - Quiz 3

1 / 21

The Canaan dog, is the national dog of which Country?

2 / 21

Which breed was developed a hound enthusiast and a founder of the Swedish Kennel Club?

3 / 21

The Cierny Sery is native to which country?

4 / 21

What is the correct name for a phobia of dogs?

5 / 21

The Bedlington Terrier gets its name from a town in which county?

6 / 21

What four colours can a dog see?

7 / 21

Which dog breed has six toes on each paw?

8 / 21

The average dog knows how many words?

9 / 21

Just like no two humans have the same fingerprints, no two dogs have the same:

10 / 21

Which of the following can dogs smell on humans?

11 / 21

A 1974 single by English singer-songwriter David Bowie, what is the title track of the album of the same name?

12 / 21

What is the name of the Skye Terrier that has a statue in its honour in Edinburgh?

13 / 21

Terry was a female Cairn terrier, who appeared in several movies, most famously as Toto in which 1939 movie?

14 / 21

Which British TV series had a dog named K9 who was also a robot?

15 / 21

Which crypto currency shares its name with a breed of hunting dog from Japan?

16 / 21

Name the tallest breed of dog recognized by the American Kennel Club?

17 / 21

Dogs do not have.....?

18 / 21

One of the oldest breeds of water dogs, the name of which dog breed comes from the French for ‘beard’?

19 / 21

Which guard dog breed was originally developed around 1890 by a tax collector from Germany?

20 / 21

Which breed of dog was developed and was sacred in China, and in ancient times was kept as a palace dog by members of the imperial family?

21 / 21

It was recently announced by the Royal Kennel Club that a new breed was to be recognised, a type of sheepdog. What was it?

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Christmas Quiz 2024 - Quiz 2

Christmas Quiz 2024 - Quiz 2

1 / 20

Dogs have two types of sweat glands: Merocrine glands and apocrine glands. The Apocrine glands are located throughout the dog’s body. Where is the Merocrine gland located?

2 / 20

Name the only registered dog breed to have triangle shaped eyes?

3 / 20

Which dog breed was developed in Scotland in the nineteenth century by Sir Dudley Marjoribanks?

4 / 20

Named after the Mexican state, what is the world’s smallest dog breed called?

5 / 20

Traditionally held annually at New York City’s Madison Square Garden, which prestigious dog show first took place on May 8, 1877?

6 / 20

What breed of dog features as a token in a normal Monopoly set?

7 / 20

What breed of dog is Scooby Doo?

8 / 20

Which dog “yodels” instead of barking?

9 / 20

What is the purpose of the German Shepherd?

10 / 20

What is the purpose of the Norwegian Lundehund?

11 / 20

What is the purpose of the Lagotto Romagnolo?

12 / 20

What is the purpose of the Lhasa Apso?

13 / 20

What is the purpose of the Dachshund?

14 / 20

What is the purpose of the Tibetan Mastiff?

15 / 20

What is the purpose of the Airedale Terrier?

16 / 20

What is the purpose of the Bichon Frise?

17 / 20

What is the purpose of Pembroke Welsh Corgi?

18 / 20

What is the purpose of the Rhodesian Ridgeback?

19 / 20

What is the plural of Cane Corso?

20 / 20

What is the plural of Belgian Tervuren?

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Christmas Quiz 2024 - Quiz 1

Quiz 1 of 2024

1 / 14

Which animal can be seen on the Porsche logo?

2 / 14

What is the most popular drink in the world that is not alcohol?

3 / 14

Name Pixar’s first feature-length movie

4 / 14

What was the most-watched series on Netflix in 2019?

5 / 14

What football team is known as “the Red Devils”

6 / 14

How many keys does a classic piano have?

7 / 14

What is the capitol city of Canada?

8 / 14

What is the smallest country in the world?

9 / 14

Until 1923, what was the Turkish city of Istanbul called?

10 / 14

Three of Santa’s reindeer’s names begin with the letter “D”. What are those names?

11 / 14

“Just slip a sable under the tree for me” is a lyric from which Christmas song?

12 / 14

According to the song, what did ‘my true love give to me’ on the eighth day of Christmas?

13 / 14

What words follow “Silent Night” in the song?

14 / 14

Elvis isn’t going to have a white Christmas, he’s going have a….

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2023 quizzes in a case you fancy taking them again!

Christmas 2023 - Quiz number 3

A selection of Christmas general knowledge and Tibetan questions. A bit of guesswork and luck required here!

1 / 20

It is illegal to sell Christmas Crackers to a person younger than 12 years old

2 / 20

What is the name of a staple food served in Tibet made from barley flour?

3 / 20

What is the name of the winter palace that was the residence of the Dalai Lamas from 1649 to 1959?

4 / 20

Mount Everest is of course the tallest mountain in Tibet, how high is it?

5 / 20

You all know the title of the foremost spiritual leader of Tibet, but which is the correct spelling?

6 / 20

Where is Santa Claus reputed to live?

7 / 20

What words follow "Silent Night" in the song?

8 / 20

It is illegal to place a stamp of the Queen upside-down when sending Christmas cards

9 / 20

In Harry Potter and the Philsopher's Stone, what do the Dursleys give Harry for Christmas?

10 / 20

What was considered to be the first religion recognised in Tibet?

11 / 20

What plant is sometimes known as the Christmas flower?

12 / 20

What year did Mariah Carey’s All I Want For Christmas come out?

13 / 20

What is the name of a male turkey?

14 / 20

What colour are mistletoe berries?

15 / 20

What is the capital city of Tibet?

16 / 20

Which pop song has won the Christmas Singles Chart Number One twice?

17 / 20

In the movie 'It’s A Wonderful Life', what happened every time a bell rang?

18 / 20

In the Christmas carol 'The 12 days of Christmas', what gift is offered on the seventh day?

19 / 20

Which country has donated a Christmas tree to the people of Scotland every year since 1949?

20 / 20

Astronauts broadcast which Christmas song from space in 1965?

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Dog breed picture quiz

20 photos of dog breeds, can you guess them all? All breed names and photos from UK Kennel Club website.

1 / 20

Guess the dog breed


2 / 20

Guess the dog breed


3 / 20

Guess the dog breed

White Swiss Shepherd Dog

4 / 20

Guess the dog breed

Tibetan Spaniel Crop

5 / 20

Guess the dog breed


6 / 20

Guess the dog breed


7 / 20

Guess the dog breed


8 / 20

Guess the dog breed


9 / 20

Guess the dog breed


10 / 20

Guess the dog breed

Norwegian Buhund

11 / 20

Guess the dog breed


12 / 20

Guess the dog breed


13 / 20

Guess the dog breed


14 / 20

Guess the dog breed


15 / 20

Guess the dog breed


16 / 20

Name the dog breed


17 / 20

Name the dog breed


18 / 20

Name the dog breed


19 / 20

Name the dog breed


20 / 20

Name the dog breed


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2023 Christmas quiz

A fun quiz in the run up to Christmas 2023

1 / 20

If someone is born on Christmas day, what is their star sign?

2 / 20

Who judged Tibetan Spaniels at Crufts in 2020?

3 / 20

What date was the coronation of King Charles III?

4 / 20

What is a nickname given to Tibet?

5 / 20

What is the plural of Chow Chow?

6 / 20

What was the original purpose for the Tibetan Mastiff?

7 / 20

What was the original purpose for the Pembroke Welsh Corgi?

8 / 20

What has become a traditional Christmas meal in Japan?

9 / 20

Which film features the song 'Walking in the Air'?

10 / 20

In the 2018 film 'The Grinch', what was the name of The Grinch's dog?

11 / 20

Which of these hardy dog breeds is native to Lapland?

12 / 20

Which colours can dogs see best?

13 / 20

According to Guinness World Records, the oldest recorded dog was 29 years of age. What breed was it?

14 / 20

According to the UK Kennel Club, In 2021, what was the most popular breed of dog?

15 / 20

What is the average dogs strongest sense?

16 / 20

Tibetan Spaniels appear in artwork dating back to what period?

17 / 20

By what name is a Tibetan Spaniel known as in Tibet?

18 / 20

Where on a dog would you find its 'Withers'?

19 / 20

In the 1961 film, what breed of dog did Cruella De Vil abduct?

20 / 20

Who wrote the book 'A Christmas Carol'?

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