
Every other year the TSA produces our Tibetan Tidings publication and it is time to get those adverts in. Details, timescales and costs are all detailed on the form which I've produced in both Microsoft Word format and a PDF

Any questions please let us know.


Word document is HERE

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2024 BAD day

The Tibetan Spaniel Association will be holding a Breed Appreciation Day (BAD) on Sunday 24th November 2024 at Baginton Village Hall near Coventry. Please see all the details HERE

As it states in the flyer, please contact David Allman for an application form on shantess@blueyonder.co.uk

Open and Champ show April 2024

Just to let you know we have the following entries for our shows:


Championship show 127 Dogs; 133 Entries - Judge Daniel Roberts

Open show 145 Dogs; 152 Entries - Judge Carol Davies


Judging will start with the championship show at 9.30am prompt, the Open show will start 30 minutes later starting with bitches. Some checking will have been done in advance to try to be aware of potential clashes but we will do everything we can to ensure both shows run smoothly and with minimum disruption.

2024 TSA shows

There are two dates for you TSA shows calendar this year - the full calendar of 2024 championship shows can be found here https://tibetanspanielassoc.co.uk/show-judges-2024-v2/

Saturday April 6th 2024 - TSA Open show (judge Carol Davies) and TSA Championship show (judge Daniel Roberts), two shows one date!

Saturday October 19th 2024 - TSA Championship show. Judge Ian Prentice

Both shows at the Sports Connexion, Ryton on Dunsmore.

Canine Genetic Testing

There is a new Canine Genetic Testing service opening in Cambridge towards the end of November 2021.  Visit the website at https://www.cagt.co.uk/ where you can sign up for email updates as they become available. February 2022, further information added, please do take a look, links provided to their website as well as their Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.