To view the judging lists online, click the links to the right, alternatively click to download the full PDF of all judges on the Judges List.
JUDGING LIST CRITERIA - Valid from September 2020.
For persons who have previously been approved by the KC to award CCs in the breed, have completed their first appointment and have the support of the Tibetan Spaniel Association.
For persons who fulfil all the requirements for the A3 List and who have been assessed in accordance with KC requirements and accepted by the KC for inclusion on an A2 list and have the support of the Tibetan Spaniel Association.
A3 List (Breed Specialists) equivalent to Level 3 of the JCF
Undergo a minimum of three mentoring sessions with a minimum of 12 months between the first and third session
Be observed judging a breed club show, breed supported entry show or championship show without CCs.
Have achieved the relevant hands-on experience for Tibetan Spaniels, i.e. a minimum of 120 dogs over a minimum of 5 years with an adequate geographical spread.
Complete remaining 10 full day stewarding appointments (one-time qualification)
Have owned/bred a minimum of 3 dogs when they obtained their first entry in the Kennel Club Stud Book – save for exceptional circumstances (one-time qualification)
A3 List (Non Breed Specialists) equivalent to Level 3 of the JCF
Undergo a minimum of three mentoring sessions with a minimum of 12 months between the first and third session
Be observed judging a breed club show, breed supported entry show or championship show without CCs.
Have achieved the relevant hands-on experience for Tibetan Spaniels, i.e. a minimum of 120 dogs over a minimum of 5 years with an adequate geographical spread. For those progressing under JCF to Level 3 the minimum number of dogs to be judged will be 60.
Complete remaining 10 full day stewarding appointments (one-time qualification)
Have owned/bred a minimum of 3 dogs when they obtained their first entry in the Kennel Club Stud Book – save for exceptional circumstances (one-time qualification)
B List (Breed Specialists) equivalent to Level 2 of the JCF
To take and pass Requirements of a Dog Show Judge examination
Pass Points of a Dog assessment
Attend a Breed Appreciation Day (BAD) and pass a Multiple Choice Examination (MCE) for Tibetan Spaniels
View ring stewarding seminar and take online quiz
Complete critique writing seminar and take online quis
B List (Non Breed Specialists)
Attend a Breed Appreciation Day (BAD) and pass a Multiple Choice Examination (MCE) for Tibetan Spaniels
The above requirements allow judging of unlimited number of classes for the respective breed at Limited, Open or Championship shows without CCs.
Candidates for inclusion on the judging list should be nominated on a form which must state the nominee’s qualifications. Candidates must obtain a majority vote from the Tibetan Spaniel Association before their name can be added to the appropriate judging list. Submission of a completed form does not therefore ensure the applicant’s inclusion on the Tibetan Spaniel Association’s lists.
Judging lists are valid for one year at a time and inclusion in one year does not necessarily ensure inclusion in future years.
General information on Kennel Club judging can be found on their website at
To access any of the detailed lists just click on the Heading
The full Criteria for each list is detailed below.
Persons who have previously been approved by the Kennel Club to award Challenge Certificates in the breed and have completed their first appointment and have the support of the Tibetan Spaniel Association.
Persons the Club would support to award Challenge Certificates, but who as yet, have not been approved by the Kennel Club or who have not as yet, completed their first appointment.
Persons the Club would support to judge the breed without Challenge Certificates.
Are you interested in judging Tibetan Spaniels or do you want some more in-depth information on how to understand the Tibetan Spaniel breed standard?
The Kennel Club provides access to a learning 'Academy'. Here you will find a number of breed specific films aimed at increasing your knowledge of Tibetan Spaniels, we believe this is an invaluable resource and would encourage you to have a look if you are serious about understanding what traits a Tibetan Spaniel has and how they are put together.
In order to access the information, you need to go to and you will be prompted to log in to your account. If you don't have a KC account it is really easy and free to create one. Once you have landed at the Academy page (it is also available from your 'My Account' page) then head on over to the 'Breed Specific Films' section and then scroll down to the Tibetan Spaniel section. Once you are there, follow the instructions to view all the videos.
We hope you enjoy the information that is presented and find it really useful.