2025 Calendar photos

Believe it or not, it is that time again where we are thinking about Calendar photographs! Yes I know 2025 feels a long way away, but here we are!

Can I please ask you to dig out your best photographs and send by email to Bridget Croucher (email below) but as ATTACHMENTS please rather than just copied into the body of the email. The photos should NOT be in show pose. Submissions by the end of July 2024 please.

The email address for the photos is tibspanuk@outlook.com

2023 Calendar

We are putting together a Tibetan Spaniel Association calendar as usual for 2023 - but we need your help please!

Can you please send through some of your best Tibetan Spaniel photographs to Bridget. They need to be sent electronically and as attachments to emails, not as part of the body of the email. Bridget would need them by the end of July 2022 please.

Please send to Bridget at bridgetcroucher01@gmail.com


The Tibetan Tidings deadline has now been extended to 30th June 2021, there will not be any further extensions though....

The booking form for is available by clicking HERE

2021 TSA Calendar

2022 TSA Calendar

The TSA 2021 calendar will be available in early November 2020. The price will be £8.00 per copy inc p & p in the UK, overseas prices on application.  Cheques payable to TSA should be sent to

Bridget Croucher, 5 Uplands Crescent, Uplands, SWANSEA, SA2  0PA.

TSA 2021 Calendar

TSA Champ Show 2020 Cancelled

Following the KC guidance issued on 13th May the Officers and Committee of the Tibetan Spaniel Association have carried out a comprehensive risk assessment for the club championship show in October. The safety of all who attend the show is paramount and coupled with the uncertainty of availability of the venue the decision has been made to cancel the show.

We are in the process of looking at holding a second championship show in 2021 and details will be published as soon as final arrangements have been made.

We trust everyone stays safe in the meantime.

Show Results Template

Tibetan Spaniel Association Championship Show – Date Here 2019

This section will be the paragraph of text that describes the show.  Specific details, and misc information.  This section will be the paragraph of text that describes the show.  Specific details, and misc information.  This section will be the paragraph of text that describes the show.  Specific details, and misc information.  This section will be the paragraph of text that describes the show.  Specific details, and misc information.