At the South Western Tibetan Spaniel Club Championship show judged by breed specialist Hilary Breeze (Hilsar) there was an entry of 163 + 3 NFC made from 148 dogs. The Bitch CC and best in show went to Hazel Butler's Colphil Jho-Dhe. Lynne Short's Ch Malia Yuan Zhi Jw was RBCC, RBIS, BV & BVIS. Jane Lilley's Knattings Riverdance to Kensing was the DCC & BOS. Lynne Short's Malia Summer Memories was the BPIS & BMin PIS. Also Lynne Short's Ch Samalyn Swansong By Malia was BSpVis and finally Sophie Langdon's Skyvana Che Sing Dreams won the Bitch Phyllis Mayhew (Sp Limit).